Why ?
It is a great way to keep in touch, and it allows for painless discussion.
It is also platform independent, so anyone with any kind of internet
e-mail access can use it regardless of device used.
Who Is On The List ?
Anyone who wants to be on it. This is an open list. It is of interest to
anyone in the club, and anyone interested in playing in the Tucson Area.
You can post questions to the list simply by e-mailing it at
tucsongo-list@5z.com .
How do I get on the list ?
What goes on this list ?
Well just about anything goes, but it should be at least remotely related
to Go, or to the Tucson Go Club. This means you can ask questions, give
advice, trade tips and tesujis. You could also use the list to see if
anyone is available for play outside of the regular club times in case you
can't make it to the club meetings. Anything else that is appropriate. in
no event shoudl you send spam to the list as we will hunt you down, and
dance on your rotting corpse until you suffer enough, recant, and signed
an agreement not to spam in your next life to which you will be on the way
by then.
How Do I Use This List ?
It is as easy as using your favorite e-mail software. So go ahead, and
have a blast.
Anything More ?
There is nothing more. This is just a mailing list, and not a rocket
science. So from here on you are on your own.
Last Modified:
Big book, big bore. -- Callimachus